In the same way that you can configure a wireless router, YuboxNow allows you to embed an interface of ...
Circuitos electrónicos prácticos y sencillos. Cargadores para celular. Fuentes de poder, diagramas esquemáticos y tips. Mucho de IoT, Arduino y Raspberry Pi.

Some people have asked me the make and model of the tools that come out in some of ...

Arduino and Raspberry Pi are two hardware platforms that have revolutionized several markets: solution developers ...

It happened to me that I arrived at the office and realized that I left the forgotten charger in ...

Cell phone charger for Neandertals A trick I've done before in an extreme case (I was camping ...

A few days ago I came across a product that is being funded on Kickstarter (the most popular ...

A few months ago I came across a fun project: I wanted to publish information about the climate of Huigra on the Web ...

I have published a video on Youtube explaining how a tube or tube amplifier works, illustrating the ...

Today the cell phone charger that I use to charge my cell phone in the car broke down. It's not...

I have wanted to make a high voltage source for a long time (I mean tens of thousands of volts) ...