One day you woke me up and everything lit up with a different light than usual. At first I did not know if it was the reflection of a familiar face or a lantern that had been lit during a passing night.
It was when I realized that that light was modulating to the rhythm of your voice that I finally knew it was coming from your mouth.
I had already seen other curious lights before, like that stony light that came from my grandfather's carbide lamp, or that other mysterious one that we saw flaming one night deep in the mountain and that showed us the exact location of that ancient burial. I also saw that beautiful light, which briefly set the sky on fire and we spent the whole night inventing theories of what caused such celestial pyrotechnics ... But nothing, nothing had captured my curiosity more than the light that from that day emanated from your mouth.
The day I noticed it, I knew you were going to mark my life forever.
Since then I see you smile with that lost firefly glow and there I stay in front of you, with my face of event, to take advantage of your luminous warmth and tan my soul with your stories of scattered happiness.
The first time you told me that you had fallen in love with me, the glow came first - you barely parted your lips - then your words came. There I verified that the light would always arrive before the good news. Also, reflexively, I learned to get excited at the first glow and then, in that thin moment of time that divides the before and after, prepare myself for your sonorous caresses –which sometimes come announcing that you love me.
I've always wanted to ask you: are you a sun?
Trying to understand that enchanted beacon virtue that you possess, I watched you one night while you were sleeping. I couldn't resist, you never knew until now. I silently approached your mouth and in the middle of a sigh I slipped crawling across your tongue, attracted by the dim light that you emanate when you sleep.
Without hesitation I descended down your throat, tiny one; At first it was difficult because I had to hold my breath not to wake you up, but it brought such curiosity of a youthful cat that it made me continue imminently; you swallowed me with unconscious tenderness.
I tell you that I was confused for a while, walking through the warm labyrinths of your body, breathing your own air, without knowing if it had already dawned, without knowing how many hours had passed. I loved you more than ever when I felt that your protective warmth enveloped me from the humid cold outside; I whispered how much I loved you and the drumming echo of your muscles gave me back an "I love you too." For a moment I wanted to scream what I felt, but it had been so long - I knew it from my exhaustion - that I no longer had the strength.
Already exhausted, I crawled around a corner, a corner, a fold, some tissue and I wanted to snuggle there, to rest inside you, the two of you together, lulled by the rhythmic and incessant flow of your heartbeat.
It was right after this that I saw it; there it was ... the light source, the light engine. Before me, your secret, like a revelation that made me understand everything in a second. And everything became more logical.
I will never forget when I saw it working perfectly, imposing, pumping a crystalline light throughout your body, making your magic. There was before my perplexity that tender monument ... the most beautiful device I had ever seen, the most beautiful part of your body ... ... your heart.